32.6. Basic unit testing

The basic pattern of unit testing with Neo4j is illustrated by the following example.

To access the Neo4j testing facilities you should have the neo4j-kernel tests.jar on the classpath during tests. You can download it from Maven Central: org.neo4j:neo4j-kernel.

Using Maven as a dependency manager you would typically add this dependency together with JUnit and Hamcrest like so:

Maven dependency. 


Observe that the <type>test-jar</type> is crucial. Without it you would get the common neo4j-kernel jar, not the one containing the testing facilities.

With that in place, we’re ready to code our tests.


For the full source code of this example see: Neo4jBasicDocTest.java

Before each test, create a fresh database:

public void prepareTestDatabase()
    graphDb = new TestGraphDatabaseFactory().newImpermanentDatabase();

After the test has executed, the database should be shut down:

public void destroyTestDatabase()

During a test, create nodes and check to see that they are there, while enclosing write operations in a transaction.

Node n = null;
try ( Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() )
    n = graphDb.createNode();
    n.setProperty( "name", "Nancy" );

// The node should have a valid id
assertThat( n.getId(), is( greaterThan( -1L ) ) );

// Retrieve a node by using the id of the created node. The id's and
// property should match.
try ( Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() )
    Node foundNode = graphDb.getNodeById( n.getId() );
    assertThat( foundNode.getId(), is( n.getId() ) );
    assertThat( (String) foundNode.getProperty( "name" ), is( "Nancy" ) );

If you want to set configuration parameters at database creation, it’s done like this:

GraphDatabaseService db = new TestGraphDatabaseFactory()
    .setConfig( GraphDatabaseSettings.nodestore_mapped_memory_size, "10M" )
    .setConfig( GraphDatabaseSettings.string_block_size, "60" )
    .setConfig( GraphDatabaseSettings.array_block_size, "300" )